Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Back At It Again!!

Hello Everyone!!!!

I'm back (finally). I fell off so much that I was too ashamed to continue blogging, but I decided with help and inspiration from Mrs. Chayil to get back on the weight loss bandwagon. I will continue with the my plan as usual and try (try as much as possible) to stick with it. I know I have gained all of my weight back and then some more. I feel tired, sluggish, and sloppy right now. I drink coke all day everyday. I'm just sick and tired of being this way and choosing to be this way. I have the power to change and change I will with God's help. So please send as much inspiration as you possibly can, because I will most definitely need it.


Reflection said...

Hey Welcome back!! No need to feel a shame about blogging we all tend to fall short with it(smile). There is nothing like having someone to motivate/ inspire you. Chayil is definately one to admire, be inspired & learn from. From her beautiful hair down to her striving to take care of her body and health.

She has really inspire me to take on a more wholistic lifystle. I've tried before but gave up but now I'm retring again. So lady Just take it one day at a time and you'll get back in it no time. Remember we are not here to judge you but encourage you!!

Anonymous said...

glad to see you're back on the bandwagon. it took me about 5 months to get back on after i fell off earlier this year. the biggest lesson i got from that was why waste so much time eating badly and being lazy. we think losing weight takes so long but don't realise that in actuality the time we spend mistreating our bodies we could be spending getting healthy and losing weight. if i had kept to it, i would most likely be at my goal weight (which is the same as yours, btw!). i refuse to spend the next 5 months off the bandwagon once again so i know i will lose what i have to. i hope to see your latest updates and progress soon, i'll check back in a while. i think you've done exceptionally well!

Peace.Vrede.Paz said...

Thanks so much for your message! Your words are so kind and I wish that you could talk about yourself with the same admiration and kindness! You are beautiful and making a choice to be healthier is the first step so you are well on your way!

It took me about 2 yrs to loose the extra weight. I didn't diet because I don't believe in diets. Starving oneself for a period of time to fall back into the same eating habits like before doesn't sound right to me. There were a few things that helped me the first was visualisation I found a pic of miss Tyra and used that image as a motivation on how I wanted to look. Ofcourse an old pic of yourself @ your ideal weight will work fine too. Second was reading "french women don't get fat" and visiting dr OZ his website (http://www.realage.com/doctorcenter/intro.aspx?cbr=YOAD04) I used some of their tips and tricks to get me on track. The best thing I ever read was the fact that french women don't go to the gym and that because they enjoy what they are eating and don't have guilt about what they eat, they don't overeat. Also measuring the waist instead of constantly stepping on a scale was a great thing.

Are you familiar with the flylady.net system with babysteps to teach you new habits for keeping your home in order? I made babysteps in order to teach myself new eating habits simular to the flylady system. The members of my forum and readers of my website used this system along with me and all of us lost a minimum of 5 pounds in the 30 days! I translated the steps for you, I hope it helps you as well. One babystep at a time ;-)

The steps with a * are to be repeated everyday. For example day one drink 1,5 liter of water day two drink 1,5 liter of water and eat 2 pieces of fruit. These steps are going to become your habit and doing these lil things daily will change your way of eating forever.

Day 7, 14, 21 and 28 are fasting days on those days you are only allowed to drink fresh fruit and veggie juices, water, veggie or chicken stock and herbal tea. I fast as a way to release the week and prepare for a new week mentally and spiritually, it also helps the body to release toxins (wich cause weight gain) and to heal. I fast with water only but that is not recommended when just start! (Read this for some more information and tips on how to start http://www.healingdaily.com/juicing-for-health/how-to-fast.htm) I fast on sundays but you can choose any day that works for you.

Day 1) Drink at least 1,5 liter water each day *

Day 2)eat 2 pieces of fruit *

Day 3)rub yourself from toe to shoulders with firming bodylotion *

Day 4)replace one snack with a healthy snack of choice *

Day 5)get up 15 minutes earlier and eat a healthy breakfast *

Day 6)prepare yourself for fasting tomorrow (light meals non-fat)

Day 7)fastingday

Day 8) make a control journal ( I use a a5 map with plastic cases inside to slip in ideas, recipes etc and some lined paper to journal)

Day 9)search the net and magazines for healthy snack ideas and put them in your controle journal

Day 10) weigh your dinner *

Day 11) go on and find some more recipes and ideas for your controle journal

Day 12) make a healthy filling lunch for example 2 slices of whole grain bread with some cheese (or lean meat if you eat meat) tomatoes, lettuce and on the side a nice cup of tomato or other veggiesoup*

Day 13) prepare for fasting (see day 7)

Day 14) fastingday

Day 15) go on and find some more recipes and ideas and file in your controle journal

Day 16)no more solids after 8 p.m. (get some different flavors of herbal tea to help when you feel a urge to eat)*

Day 17)build up a sweat for 20 minutes a day (doesn't matter how, go jogging, go to the gym, do jumpingjacks at home, just break a sweat!)*

Day 18)write away negative thoughts (seeing these horrible things our minds tells us on paper will soon help to shut up up the negative innervoice)*

Day 19)ask your partner to give you a nice massage (or splurge and get a proffesional massage)

Day 20)find inspiration for your contole journal. prepare for fasting

Day 21)fastingday

Day 22)find pamperingmissions for your controle journal. Make it a habit to pamper yourself at least once a day *

Day 23)walk around the corner on your break the fresh air will help you concentrate better at work, if you are a sahm take the kids to the nearest park for a quater of an hour. It will do you and them a world of good!*

Day 24)take 1000 mg of vitamin c daily (this will help the skin to stay firm while loosing weight)*

Day 25)on the right track? Check here to see if your daily intake is what it should be (http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/pyramids.html) and pls remember portion control!

Day 26)Try a new veggie!

Day 27)Yeah you have been moving for 20 minutes daily for 10 days now! Time to kick it up a notch and make it 40 minutes a day! * (prepare for fasting)

Day 28)fasting day

Day 29)find some new inspiration for your controle journal

Day 30)congratulations you've build a health routine for yourself! Keep up the good work!

Reflection said...

Micah..... Just wanted to say.... Thank you for inspiring me to get started on my weight loss and healthier lifestyle journey. Thank you for holding me accountable by stopping by to check in and reading my blog. I appreciate all of the support you showed when I slacked off. Thank you, for leaving encouraging words on the small exercises that I did do. Thank you for motivating me to keep going because, by reading your blog you showed me everyone struggle with starting, stopping, restarting and stopping again. All that count is we start up again.

Thank you for all the congratulation you left when I achieve a certain mile. Thank you for wishing me success and pushing me to challenging myself to do better. Thank you for sharing your ideas, allowing me into your personal space, and reading your inner most thoughts. Thank you for sharing different websites, recipes, ideas and books. With all of this, I wanted to celebrate and share with you that holding me accountable, showing support and leaving encouraging words, keeping a log of my journey led me to my success of CONQUERING THE AIRFIELD!!! Yes I reached a mile stone today. I conquered the Airfield. I ran 5 miles without stopping. Thank you for helping me achieved this goal. The things that you all have done might seems small to you but made a big deal and impact to me. You rock!!!

Peace.Vrede.Paz said...

Just came by to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas!

I will be taking a blogging break till the 28th!

Reflection said...

Just coming thru to say Happy New Year and I wish you a fun, exciting/ bless 2008!!!!!!!! May you reach all your goals that you've set.