Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Back At It Again!!

Hello Everyone!!!!

I'm back (finally). I fell off so much that I was too ashamed to continue blogging, but I decided with help and inspiration from Mrs. Chayil to get back on the weight loss bandwagon. I will continue with the my plan as usual and try (try as much as possible) to stick with it. I know I have gained all of my weight back and then some more. I feel tired, sluggish, and sloppy right now. I drink coke all day everyday. I'm just sick and tired of being this way and choosing to be this way. I have the power to change and change I will with God's help. So please send as much inspiration as you possibly can, because I will most definitely need it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Another Pound Lost - I don't know how though!!

I am officially 10 pounds lighter!!!I really don't know how though. I have not been eating the way I should, but I still exercise 5 times a week. I just knew for sure that I would have gained instead of loosing weight. Oh, well I'm kinda happy and sorta disgusted. Happy with the weight loss, but disgusted with the way I have been eating. I have to get back on track with eating and choosing the right foods. The weekend was okay, but I did drink a coke or two or three. I know, I know I should not have had it, but it was callin me like crazy...lol So I listened and gave in, this time. Today I missed breakfast. I didn't have time to eat. I was runnin late and I ran out of protein cereal bars, so I left without eating it. I have been gettng up every morning at 4:30 or 5:00 to do my exercises, so I could get them out of the way. I do feel much better after doing them in the morning.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Check-In Update

I didn't get a chance to exercise Thursday afterall. So, I doubled up Friday. I did my 45min. strength training and my 30 min. cardio. When I started doing my cardio, I could barely lift up my legs because they were so sore from the strength training, but I made it through. Hopefully I'll won't have to double up any time soon.

Today was a good day. I was able to do my strength training this morning instead of in the evening or at night. I got up at 7:00am to do them, because my husband had to be at work for 8:00. I was able to do the 55 min. strength training this morning and I feel pretty good. I have a good bit of energy today. For breakfast I had 3 hard boiled eggs and two slices of toasted whole wheat bread, with a little apple jelly. This really filled me up. I could hardly eat all of the eggs. I only eat the white part of the egg and throw the yolk away. For my snack I had one of those 100 calorie snack packs. I had the shortbread one. It was pretty good. For dinner I'm cooking pork & beans(seasoned only with Mrs. Dash), brown rice, baked pork chops(seasoned only with Mrs. Dash), whole wheat toasted bread, and salad. Yummy, I can't wait.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bad Idea!!

I decided to officially make Wednesdays my rest day. The truth is is had a bad headache after Wednesday night service and couldn't exercise when I got home. I was in too much pain. It was one of those headaches that starts behind your eye and stays there. No matter how much you rub, the pain never goes away. So, Wednesdays are now my rest day. OK..on to the bad idea. Today I piggggged out like a big dog. I had chips, oreos, and a coke. Very bad idea!!!! After I ate this junk I felt so bloated and uncomfortable..so..I took not 2, but 4 senekot to help pass all of this junk out of my system. Another bad idea. Now my stomach is cramping up like crazy and I have yet to do my exercises and today is strength training day. I feel like I have to goooo, but everytime I try nothing comes out. I have a few more ounces of my daily water to consume, so hopefully after I drink it all something will pass, hopefully. Lord Please let it pass!!!!!lol. So, I guess I will have to exercise through pain. I can't go two days without exercising..I just can't. So please be praying for me, cause when it passes....watch out!!!!LOL

On the up note, I noticed that mostly everyone has a motivation or inspiration pic. So here is mine. I love the fact that she is not skinny. She is thick and healthy. This is what I am going for.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

WooHoo 9 Pounds Lighter!!!!!!

I'm makin some progress. I weighed myself yesterday and I am down to 139 from 148!!!! It feels so good to see the scale go down instead of up. I continued to exercise and did my best to eat right and it payed off. Monday was my cardio day so I did my Walk Away the Pounds dvd the 2 mile walk and today is my strength training day I didn't do it yet, but I will later on this evening when the kids go to sleep. Like I said before I can't go to sleep without doing my exercises. Today I tried to sticked to my diet. I think I did pretty good. My mom cooked red beans and rice. I wanted to eat it so bad, but it was too salty, so I left it alone. I thought it would be hard to walk away from it cause ain't nothin like mama's cookin, but I had enough willpower to leave it alone. So overall I think today was a good day. I actually got up this morning and cooked breakfast. I had two small pancakes, eggs and a slice of whole grain toast with a small amout of jelly. For lunch I had a baked chicken strip wrap with a whole grain wrap. As you can see I love chicken. I don't eat ground beef anymore and I try to stay away from beef. I had a bad experience with beef, so I left it alone. I mainly eat chicken (alot of chicken), shrimp, fish, turkey, and pork, but not too much. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day as well.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend was good for me. I slipped up a few times, but I got right back on track. Saturday the family and I went to Baton Rouge and we ate at Applebees. I had a three cheese, grilled chicken pasta bowl and I couldn't eat it all. Usually I'll eat the whole bowl, but I couldn't. I guess eating those 3 small meals a day helps you not to eat too much. Later that day I had some fries, a grilled chicken snack wrap, and a coke from McDonalds. I haven't had a coke in so long, it was orgasmic..lol and it burned the mess out of my throat. I won't be having another one any time soon. I couldn't eat all of my fries either. Then after that we went to Smoothie King to get rid of the guilt from the fries and coke. I had a slim and trim smoothie with a diet down enhancer. I was sooooo good. When we got home it was almost 10:00pm and I haden't excercised any that day so I had to excercise. I did the 45 min. body sculpt by The Firm. I was so glad I excercised. It's like I can't go to sleep until I do my excercise for the day. I love it.

Sundays are all out of wack for me. I usually eat a protein bar for breakfast and eat maybe once or twice for the rest of the day. Today after church I had shrimp fried rice and an eggroll. I might not eat the rest of the day, but will decide later.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My First Post - Introduction to my weight loss plan.

I already stared my journey to a healthy lifestyle by deciding to eat better and exercise. I started Sunday September 9, 2007 My start weight is 248lbs. My goal weigh is 135lbs. I will be posting pics throughout the entire weight loss. I'll post pics every month hopefully.
I start my day with a protein cereal bar, weight loss oatmeal, cereal, a protein shake, or eggs. I try to stick to the Body For Life Plan, but I tweaked it so it would work for me. I try to eat 6 small meals a day just like the BFL plan. I only use Mrs. Dash to season my food. I'm trying to stay away from added salt and sugar. I try to work out 5 to 6 times a week and rest one day. My workouts are: Cardio - Walk Away the Pounds the 2 mile walk and Strength - The Firm Program.
Here are my beginning pics. These were taken Sept. 9th 2007.