Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bad Idea!!

I decided to officially make Wednesdays my rest day. The truth is is had a bad headache after Wednesday night service and couldn't exercise when I got home. I was in too much pain. It was one of those headaches that starts behind your eye and stays there. No matter how much you rub, the pain never goes away. So, Wednesdays are now my rest day. OK..on to the bad idea. Today I piggggged out like a big dog. I had chips, oreos, and a coke. Very bad idea!!!! After I ate this junk I felt so bloated and took not 2, but 4 senekot to help pass all of this junk out of my system. Another bad idea. Now my stomach is cramping up like crazy and I have yet to do my exercises and today is strength training day. I feel like I have to goooo, but everytime I try nothing comes out. I have a few more ounces of my daily water to consume, so hopefully after I drink it all something will pass, hopefully. Lord Please let it pass!!!!!lol. So, I guess I will have to exercise through pain. I can't go two days without exercising..I just can't. So please be praying for me, cause when it out!!!!LOL

On the up note, I noticed that mostly everyone has a motivation or inspiration pic. So here is mine. I love the fact that she is not skinny. She is thick and healthy. This is what I am going for.


sweetnes said...

I'm praying for your GI tract. We all have bad days, but tomorrow's a new day and another opportunity for you to make some awesome, good-for-your-body choices :)

Peace.Vrede.Paz said...

Hope you were still able to do your strength training despite of the cramps. What is senekot? Is it a laxative? Don't feel bad if you allowed yourself a day of treats just make sure to compensate the next day, I heard that it gives your body a boost and that you might even burn more kcal by eating this way. Don't know if it's true but I like to think it is LOL

Keep up the good work!
Love the pic ;-)

Phat&Sassy said...

I know how you feel about the pain. I didn't exercise yesterday.I just hurt too badly. I will today though.

Love your pic. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am just curious who is the girl in the picture?