Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend was good for me. I slipped up a few times, but I got right back on track. Saturday the family and I went to Baton Rouge and we ate at Applebees. I had a three cheese, grilled chicken pasta bowl and I couldn't eat it all. Usually I'll eat the whole bowl, but I couldn't. I guess eating those 3 small meals a day helps you not to eat too much. Later that day I had some fries, a grilled chicken snack wrap, and a coke from McDonalds. I haven't had a coke in so long, it was and it burned the mess out of my throat. I won't be having another one any time soon. I couldn't eat all of my fries either. Then after that we went to Smoothie King to get rid of the guilt from the fries and coke. I had a slim and trim smoothie with a diet down enhancer. I was sooooo good. When we got home it was almost 10:00pm and I haden't excercised any that day so I had to excercise. I did the 45 min. body sculpt by The Firm. I was so glad I excercised. It's like I can't go to sleep until I do my excercise for the day. I love it.

Sundays are all out of wack for me. I usually eat a protein bar for breakfast and eat maybe once or twice for the rest of the day. Today after church I had shrimp fried rice and an eggroll. I might not eat the rest of the day, but will decide later.

1 comment:

sweetnes said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend :)