Saturday, September 22, 2007

Check-In Update

I didn't get a chance to exercise Thursday afterall. So, I doubled up Friday. I did my 45min. strength training and my 30 min. cardio. When I started doing my cardio, I could barely lift up my legs because they were so sore from the strength training, but I made it through. Hopefully I'll won't have to double up any time soon.

Today was a good day. I was able to do my strength training this morning instead of in the evening or at night. I got up at 7:00am to do them, because my husband had to be at work for 8:00. I was able to do the 55 min. strength training this morning and I feel pretty good. I have a good bit of energy today. For breakfast I had 3 hard boiled eggs and two slices of toasted whole wheat bread, with a little apple jelly. This really filled me up. I could hardly eat all of the eggs. I only eat the white part of the egg and throw the yolk away. For my snack I had one of those 100 calorie snack packs. I had the shortbread one. It was pretty good. For dinner I'm cooking pork & beans(seasoned only with Mrs. Dash), brown rice, baked pork chops(seasoned only with Mrs. Dash), whole wheat toasted bread, and salad. Yummy, I can't wait.


Reflection said...

Nothing wrong with taking a off day when you need it. Your dinner sound delicious!

sweetnes said...

That dinner does sound awesome and that workout was HARD CORE. Way to go with that :)

Peace.Vrede.Paz said...

1,5 hours of excersize, way to go!

I love your ticker!